Edexcel A-Level Biology Ms-Aisha-Qadir
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Details of Edexcel A-Level Biology Ms-Aisha-Qadir
For 1-on-1 Tuition
*Sessions Per Week: 2
*Session Duration: 1 Hour
*Monthly Tuition Fee: PKR 6,000
Edexcel International Advanced Level Biology
Biology is the study of living organisms and how these interact with each other and their environments. It is really a multidisciplinary subject that is made of many different as well as interdependent fields. Biology explores how living systems are constructed, as well as how they develop, communicate, interact, reproduce, defend themselves, and shape the biophysical environment around them. Biologists are constantly looking to understand links between different disciplines of biology and in this sense evolution is a unifying concept in biology. Never before in the history of science has it been more exciting as well as fascinating to study the biological sciences; the opportunities and potential to comprehend and problem-solve are endless.
At Valeem Students will develop their knowledge as well as understanding of biology by applying the concepts in this specification to a range of different problems, set in a variety of contexts. In this course of Edexcel A-Level Biology Ms-Aisha-Qadir, Students will need to apply analytical skills to the problems. Students will also develop their practical skills. This specification includes 18 core practical activities, which is the minimum number of practical activities that students will carry out.