Cambridge O Level English Language (1123)
Instructors :
Session Per Week: 3 sessions per week
Session Duration: 1 Hour
Fee Per Month (1-on-1 Tuition): PKR 10,000
The syllabus aims are set out below and describe the educational purposes of a course in O Level English Language. They are not listed in order of priority.
A qualification in this syllabus demonstrates to universities and employers that candidates can communicate effectively in Standard English through:
• communicative competence: the ability to communicate with clarity, relevance, accuracy and variety
• creativity: the ability to use language, experience and imagination to respond to new situations, create original ideas and make a positive impact
• critical skills: the ability to scan, filter and analyse different forms of information
• cross-cultural awareness: the ability to engage with issues inside and outside own community, dealing with the familiar as well as the unfamiliar. (This is not an assessment objective but forms the context of writing tasks and reading passages.)