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From lesson making to conducting classes, from taking exams to marking, a considerable amount of teachers’ time is consumed. Teachers, therefore, are exhausted by the burden of everyday tasks.

Here are a few time-saving tips for teachers.


Set priorities

It is imperative for a teacher to prioritize his/her lessons. Give importance and more time to the important ones and align everything accordingly. Don’t spend time on those with low priorities. This is a great time-saving top which not only helps the teachers but students as well in understanding the important topics



Batching means performing similar tasks at the same time. Start performing work in larger less frequent batches. By doing things this way i.e. the same tasks together one can free up more time for themselves later.

Batching increases your efficiency as well as productivity.


Set up a Schedule

This step is crucial in time management. Setting up a schedule helps in being organized and productive. By following a strict schedule you not only have sufficient time for your work but time for spending with family too. Many time management applications can be used such as: and


Eliminate distractions

For an efficient and time saving lecture, teachers must keep all the distractions away such as their smartphones that may pull away their attention by social media notifications, phone calls or emails.

Keeping the phones on airplane mode will definitely help in avoiding interruptions.


Digital Assistance

Through the use of digital resources, one can save their time. Using Learning Management System (LMS) can help the teachers organise their lectures, prepare lessons, conduct assessments and assign tasks. The use of LMS or any other digital platform can help minimise their workload  and save their time.

Teachers usually  work more than their contracted work hours that affect their personal lives as well. Therefore these are the tips recommended for teachers to save their time which will help them in being not only efficient but productive as well