Pearson Edexcel International Chemistry
Instructors :
For 1-on-1 Tuition
Sessions Per Week: 2
Session Duration: 1 Hour
Monthly Tuition Fees: PKR 13,000
The aims and objectives of this qualification are to enable students to:
• Learn about unifying patterns and themes in chemistry and use them in new and changing situations
• Acquire knowledge and understanding of chemical facts, terminology, concepts, principles, and practical techniques
• Apply the principles and concepts of chemistry, including those related to the applications of chemistry, to different contexts
• Evaluate chemical information, making judgments on the basis of this information
• Appreciate the practical nature of chemistry, developing experimental and investigative skills based on correct and safe laboratory techniques
• Analyse, interpret, and evaluate data and experimental methods, drawing conclusions that are consistent with evidence from experimental activities and suggesting possible improvements and further investigations
• Recognize the importance of accurate experimental work and reporting scientific methods in chemistry
• select, organize and present relevant information clearly and logically using appropriate vocabulary, definitions, and conventions
• Develop a logical approach to problem-solving in a wider context.
• Select and apply appropriate areas of mathematics relevant to chemistry as set out under each topic
• Prepare for more advanced courses in chemistry and for other courses that require knowledge of chemistry.